There's an incident that happened to me last year of which I forgot to list it in my list of events .... Jeng jeng jeng!
It was about 730pm and we have just arrived home from our Tesco Shopping routine. Hurrying to perform our Maghrib prayers, I saw that the house was completely dark --> There's a power failure / blackout. I went inside and then the house alarm went crazy. I know this may be due to lightning that struck the system..
Being the so-called all-time technical guy with some Mc Gyver thoughts, I quickly grabbed the ladder and climbed to cut down the power to the system. The siren of the alarm has been whizzing crazily with no mercy hence that creates tense inside me to quickly settle the job. Takut jiran-jiran marah sebab bising time Maghrib..
Whilst doing the job in a hurry, with minimal lights available, I slipped and fell, and the ladder fell straight on my head (Which is a clear-cut Sudah Jatuh Ditimpa Tangga Saying) - With my son being the eyewitness, he was on his way upstairs, and was only about 20cms away from the falling ladder! He was in shock / trauma for the next 3-4 days! When he sees ladders, he will say "Look! This is the ladder that Papa fell! Kesian Papa"..Huhuhu
After the long rigorous X-Ray Process, they found a hairline fracture on my left Calcaeneum and Tibia, and have my left foot being "semi-casted", and me being highly dependent on ibuprofein for the next 5 days and crutches for the next 2 weeks!

However despite my injury, I still managed to go for Ina's wedding in Segamat!
The Only picture of mine with my casted leg and crutches. The chap in green t-shirt has always been following me everywhere I go "to look after Papa" tapi sebenarnya sebab nak main my crutches!.. Special thanks to him! hehehehe
Till present I still feel the pain especially at the tibia after a long process of standing. I am considering to undergo a, anticipatedly-painfull process of mengurut with one of the Chinese Tabib in Tampoi... Wish me luck!
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