Soooo long no see huh! Well the typical reason would be "I'm busy", "bz" , "bz giler" what so ever but what's important is that I have TONNES of things needed to be settled all this while. Now that I am a bit settled down, I am pleased to announce that I would be writing again! Muahahaahhahaha macamlah orang baca sangat blog nih weh
It is the nature of my new career that requires me to have a digital camera at hand almost all the time. And the current digicam that I have (which I took from my parents and made as if it is mine all this while..Blistering Barnacles!) is too much of a big block of concrete. Hence I decided to look for (read: buy) a new one.
And the result is....

Despite my new interest in Digital Photography, particularly in the DSLR world, I decided to only buy the compact digicam this time (Well, after a rigorous 3 hours of mingling in the Low Yat to compare prices of the DSLR!!!)
Whatever the camera is damn good, with features like shock proof, water proof, temperature proof (macamlah nak amik gambar dalam peti ais!) and with Full HD Movie function as well as it is 25mm wide angle, which comes free with an accessory to widen the angle to 0.77x the normal wide angle (25mm*0.77= 19.25mm!) thing swiped off from my shopping wishlist (Oh No! aku pun dah ada wish list macam somebody in London la pulok! Blistering Barnacles!)
Next in target: ........ I'll leave it to you to guess! Muahahaaha
Blistering Barnacles
eh ni cybershot yg wide angle tu ke? yg boleh gerakkan kamera utk amik seluas2 angle tu?
p/s: apa salahnya ada wishlist.. sng nak budget duit maa..hahahaha isk balik mesia aku kena puasa sopping for at least 2-3yrs, dan need to do locums like crazyyyy!! :((
Yup...Panoramic view punya function. Camera ni mmg superb! (Sour grapes sebab last minute decision untuk tak beli DSLR).
Hahaha. Wishlist memang sedia ada dari dulu, nak tunaikan ajer yang banyak halangan..
Duit gaji mesia yang terperuk dalam akaun kan ada. Balik mesia bulehla bawak keluar CRV or X Trail sebijkk! Muahahahahaha
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini untuk info selengkapnya.
Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto keluarga dan trip, music, video, filem dll dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)
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